Connecting Educators and SEL

Are you incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) into your curriculum – or wondering about the best way to do so? Do you have advice or tips for other educators based on your experience? Do you have questions for your colleagues about SEL in the classroom? We want to hear from you!

For Connected Educator Month, American Institutes for Research (AIR) is inviting all educators to participate in a Twitter chat on SEL. We will ask a few questions and share resources in the hopes of generating a conversation about SEL in districts and schools. Join the following groups in the conversation:

The Education Program at AIR (@Education_AIR)
The Education Policy Center at AIR (@EdPolicyAIR)
The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (@GTLCenter)
The College and Career Readiness and Success Center (@CCRSCenter)

Join us on Tuesday, October 13, at 8:00 pm Eastern using #ceSELchat. And don’t miss our “Connecting Educators SEL-fie Challenge!”