Are You Ready for Teacher Leadership? Tools and Strategies for Putting Your Ideas into Action

From small rural schools to large districts, teacher leadership has gained attention as a powerful tool for both school improvement and building a more effective teacher workforce. Many factors – including school and district readiness -- contribute to successful teacher leadership efforts. Schools and districts should consider their readiness for each of these factors when designing and implementing teacher leadership programs.

On March 15, 2017 the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) hosted a webinar aimed at helping schools and districts assess readiness for teacher leadership initiatives. Participants will emerge with ideas and actionable strategies for the successful design and implementation of teacher leadership initiatives that achieve their intended outcomes.

Specifically, participants will learn how to use our new research-based District and School Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment Tools and other resources to support teacher leadership planning and implementation. Presenters will share examples of how they have implemented teacher leadership initiatives, including how they have planned for implementation based on readiness.